
    SOS Obtains API Q2 Certification

    We are excited to announce that Special Oil Field Services Co. LLC Oman (SOS) has successfully obtained the API Q2 certification.

    This prestigious certification highlights our strong commitment to delivering high-quality services to our clients and thus ensuring excellent satisfaction. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, who strive to deliver exceptional quality and service in everything we do.

    This milestone achievement enhances our QHSE Management System with the other already existing international standards ISO 9001, 14001, and 45001.

    We take pride in being recognized for our efforts and are looking forward to continuing to provide top-notch services.


    In order to inface awareness about the environmental risks associated with plastic bags and commitment to community service, Special Oilfield Services Co, worked with Be’ah Omani Environmental Services Holding Company to clean Al-Ghubra Beach.


    SOS Tracer Service Project Awarded by OPAL for Best Practice In ‘Operational Excellence’ in 2023

    SOS Board Meeting with AMPS

    Last SOS Board Meeting with AMPS was held for the first time in Abu Dhabi, UAE on 16 Mar, 2023 with the presence of new TAQA board members for the first time.

    Nabil Al Alawi and Ibrahim Al Alawi represented AMPS while Amir Nassim, Jamil Al Nasser, and Adel Al Ghadhban represented TAQA. Rajesh Soman and Anu Rastogi represented MHD.

    From SOS side, Zahar Al Busaidi and Sastry presented Q1, 2023 performance to the board of directors and discussed forward plan with the new board members.