Chemical Injection Skids
Check Point Pumps and systems FZC: CheckPoint® is a leading provider of chemical injection solutions. We design, manufacture, and market the world’s most reliable pneumatic, electric, and solar chemical injection pumps, along with standard and custom pump packages, control panels, pressure test systems, process components, and green energy solutions.

Checkpoint rental program is designed for quality, convenience, and versatility. We offer short and long-term equipment, complete technical assistance, and flexible rental periods. When developing a rental plan for our customers, we accommodate and consider all application requirements and parameters. Checkpoint locations maintain a full selection of pumps and packages, stocked and ready to go on a moment’s notice. When an immediate chemical injection pump or system is needed for a quick turnaround, it can be provided on time to any location around the globe. Checkpoint rental program is an attractive, non-permanent solution to qualify any chemical’s efficacy before system-wide implementation.